Salman Khan bio photo

Salman Khan

I'm a computer vision researcher affiliated with MBZUAI and ANU.

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I am an Associate Professor at MBZUAI and a member of the Intelligent Visual Analytics Lab (IVAL). Previously, I was a Senior Scientist at Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence during 2018-2020 and a Research Scientist in the Computer Vision Research Group (CVRG) at Data61, CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization) from 2016-18. I am also an adjunct faculty member at College of Electrical & Computer Science (CECS), Australian National University (ANU) since 2016. I was research visitor at NICTA (National ICT Australia) in 2015 and served as a research affiliate with Australian Center for Robotic Vision (ACRV) during 2016-18.

I work on model generalization, learning from limited data (zero and few-shot learning), adversarial robustness of deep neural networks and continual life-long learning systems for computer vision problems. The above-mentioned tasks can help us realize intelligent autonomous systems that can better understand the real world for improved recognition, detection, segmentation, and detailed scene comprehension.

Positions Available!

I am looking for exceptional candidates for three tracks: a) PostDocs, b) Research engineers, and c) Research interns at MBZUAI. PostDoc candidates need to have background in AI4Climate, Remote Sensing. Research engineers must demonstrate strong development skills via past projects (background in GIS and remote sensing, AI for climate science is a plus). Research interns must have good grades in their BS/MS programs (top 10% of their class) and should have a relevant background in computer vision/machine learning (demonstrated through relevant coursework and past projects). Prior publication record in CVPR/ECCV/ICCV/NeurIPS/ICLR/ICML is a plus. Please drop me an email with your CV and a link to your Github profile.


  • Serving as an AC for CVPR’24, ICML’24 and ECCV’24.
  • Seven papers accepted at ICCV’23! Congratulations to all team members.
  • Acting as an Area Chair for CVPR’23, ICML’23 and NeurIPS’23.
  • Nine papers accepted to CVPR’23! Congratulations to all students and collaborators.
  • Co-organizing workshops on “Vision Transformer: Theory and Applications” at ACCV’22 (5th Dec’22) and NeurIPS’22 (9th Dec’22).
  • Two papers accepted to NeurIPS’22! Congratulations to all students and collaborators.
  • Acting as an Area Chair for NeurIPS’22 and ACML’22.
  • Five papers accepted to ECCV 2022! [Jul’22]
  • Six papers accepted to CVPR 2022 (including 3 Orals)! Congratulations to all the students and collaborators. [Mar’22]
  • Our paper on improving adversarial transferability of ViTs accepted in ICLR’22 as a spotlight (rate 5%). Congratulations Muzammal and Kanchana!
  • Glad to share that my Ph.D. student, Dr. Shafin Rahman has been awarded the J.G. Crawford Prize for the best thesis at ANU (Science Category). Congratulations Shafin!
  • Organizing TPAMI Special Issue on “Transformers in Vision” (Deadline: 15 Dec 2021)
  • I will be serving as an Area Chair for CVPR’22.